LFAF and Baphumelele Fountain of Hope Partners Up for Urban Food Garden Project

Our Foundation strives to collaborate with other organisations that share the same vision of giving hope to many young people from impoverished backgrounds. We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a new partnership with Baphumelele Foundation of Hope, a community-based organisation based in Philippi township, Cape Town.

Baphumelele Fountain of Hope supports young people aged 18-21, who have been raised in residential care or who have recently been orphaned. They provide a safe and nurturing environment and help these vulnerable youth, transition positively towards adulthood, by offering skills development and training, and access to sustainable livelihood programmes, for youth who are not in formal school and who are unemployed.

We were really impressed by the work they do, especially their food garden project which has an extensive reach’, supporting a number of youth and adults through their various programmes.

We were really impressed by the work they do, especially their food garden project which has an extensive ‘reach’, supporting a number of youth and adults through their various programmes.

After meeting with the inspiring Owen from Baphumelele, they were so excited about our desire to support their vegetable garden. We will now provide them with seedlings for their food garden project, and will also start a youth leadership programme which will be facilitated by our talented Andile Ndikandika.

We are excited about this partnership and its programming potential.

In this video, Baphumelele’s Owen shares his excitement about the LFAF partnership:


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