Care of the Carers


  • 18 Children’s Home and Safe Houses
  • 20 NGO’s
  • 809 Carers

This is a programme designed for carers who work with children and young people at risk. (A CYCC in RSA is officially a Children and Young People’s Care Centre.) 

In this course, carers are given the skills to cope with emotional burnout and secondary trauma. These workshops provide the carers with a platform to share their feelings and experiences. They create the opportunities for discussion, sharing their challenges and validating their precious work.

We have partnered with the Goldfields Centre at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town that provides the perfect garden setting conducive to the programme that enhances the experience of the participants.


The much-needed workshops are held at the Goldfields Centre in the beautiful Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town and include a walk in the extensive gardens. For many caregivers this is their first exposure to this special place.

The purpose of the program:

With the poverty in our country, the large number of jobless people, more and more dysfunction in families, caregivers in children’s homes as well as early childhood educators have a daunting task.

  • We believe that supporting the carers who work with young people at risk is a positive way of helping both the caregiver and the young people they work with.
  • Caregivers need care.
  • Emotional burnout and secondary trauma can drain the positive energy they need in their daily tasks.
  • Burnout erodes the loving core that brought them into this caring work.
  • The programs teach mindfulness, relaxation, working with their hands, learning new skills, creating something to be proud of, something to take home.
  • Fresh air and birdsong in a beautiful garden setting, away from the workplace, rejuvenate and lift spirits.

Perceived outcomes:

  • When carers have the opportunities to share their feelings, hopes and dreams, and importantly to realise that they are being heard, it leads to renewed passion and motivation.
  • The group discussions where they share their challenges are invaluable.
  • The workshops are structured that so that participants will experience real validation for their precious work
  • Participants get to know each other in a positive new way which helps group bonding and cohesiveness.
  • Evaluation after each workshop confirms the necessity and deep appreciation of this program.

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